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High blood pressure is a concern for many people. Having high blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Many people try to prevent high blood pressure by eating well and exercising. But there are common household products that are used every day that may be increasing women’s risk of high blood pressure and they don’t even know about them.

“Forever Chemicals” Could Be Increasing Your Risk of High Blood Pressure

A recent study published in Hypertension, the American Heart Association Journal found that middle-aged women who had certain chemicals in their blood were more likely to develop high blood pressure. They call these chemicals polyfluoralkyl substances (PFAS) or “forever chemicals.” They are referred to as “forever chemicals” because they do not degrade in the environment. Due to this, they contaminate drinking water, soil, air, food, and other products that people are in contact with every day. Researchers believe that these PFAS commonly found in household products increase the risk of high blood pressure in middle-aged women.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency, has found PFAS in many common household products such as shampoo, dental floss, make-up, non-stick cookware, food packaging, stain-resistant coating for carpet, upholstery, and clothing. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, almost all people tested in the United States have detectable concentrations of PFAS in their bodies.

These PFAS, “forever chemicals” have been associated with negative health consequences. The research study mentioned earlier followed over one thousand middle-aged women for eighteen years. They found that exposure to PFAS increased the risk of high blood pressure for these women.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that more research on the effects of these PFAS “forever chemicals” is needed because they could be harming the health of Americans. Some states are starting to ban or limit the use of PFAS in common household products. Limiting the use of PFAS products may help reduce health risks for all people.

To read the original article from the American Heart Association click here.


  1. High exposure to ‘forever chemicals’ may raise women’s blood pressure. (2023, January 24). Retrieved February 2, 2023